The tall and hot figure Deepika Padukone is expected to pair with Vijay in her second Kollywood movie. As her first movie with super star Rajnikanth Rana is unfortunately break down on the first day itself, because of the hero’s illness. So she had planned to sign another project meanwhile to pair with Vijay. The project lead will be none other than Ramana and Ghajini fame director A R Murugadoss. So we can expect his work to be continued after the Surya starred 7 am Arivu.

Deepika Padukone is set her dates for Kollywood too in spite of her busy schedule in Bollywood. She had done almost all the role in Bollywood and done a great Item song in the movie Dum Maro Dum. This song brought her to the top of the Bollywood film industry. So let us expect another hottest actress in Kollywood. It is default that we can expect the hottest acting of a Bollywood actress in Kollywood.

So cheer up guys, Kollywood is going to have one more hottest babe in the list.

It might be a rumor.


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