The tall and lip beauty Angelina Jolie has recently directed and produced a movie “In the land of blood and Honey”. The movie has been released on 23rd of last month. It is all about the true incidents that happened in early 90’s in Bosnia. The movie hit the screen and got her a name as a good director. She also twinkles on the stage of ”Golden Globe Awards”. Being a mother of three children she looks gorgeous still. No one can beat at least for the next five years in beauty and style.

As the message heard in the industry, it is 50-50 clear that she conceived once again for the Troy hero Brad Pit. They are the parents for 6 children, 3 of own and 3 adopted. Months before there had been a talk in the industry that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit are not planned to get married in near future. Now they are going to be parents for one more kid. Why this couple should not get married for the sake of the kids. They can make their life good and more interesting. The perfect match cannot be selected it should be happened by itself. That happened for this couple. I hope they are simply wasting time without getting married.

This might also good for them that live together but should not try to control one other. Independency will be there in their life, caring for each other but should not expect that all time. It is also good freedom.


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