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A Chez Republic baby Yana Gupta, enters in to modeling while she was 16. It was 15 years ago; she enters in to this media field. Then she started doing small roles in movies then at a point of time she was a famous item dancer in many movies. She got more chances as item girl only. The main reason she insisting for this is, all the movies in which she appeared as an item dancer got a place in box office. So she got more chances in that part and she also hot neglecting it.
During her busy schedule she finds no time to wear her inner wear. Mostly she will not like to wear it. She is telling that she finds it uncomfortable in wearing it. Most of the time she prefers, not to wear it to make her comfortable. At one instance while getting ready for a function she forgets to wear the inner wear. She realized it when she is half the way to the function. Due to the last minute tension she prefers not to go back and wear it. Unfortunately our media people were interested in clicking such type of stills. She also forgets the situation and relaxed herself in the function. Media people clicked her and published on the next day.
While asking about this publicity on the next day, she replied cool that she can live for her and not for the people. She finds it uncomfortable to wear underwear and so she did not. She finds it very funny regarding this type of activities of the media people. What they are going to get from these pictures? More and more peoples may see the pictures and will enjoy it that is all.
What a cool behavior of the Chez Republic baby in India?