After a long gap Tamil film (South Indian) Industry is getting the yesteryear famous actress Revathy on floor. No no, I mean to say look-a-like Revathy, in height and beauty. Yes it is none other than Nithya Menon from Kerala. She featured many movies before OKK but she is not highlighted in those movies. She also looks average in those movies too and became like not-important character. And yes now her turn starts in this film industry. She looks very pretty in OK Kanmani and also gains the lovable actress of Kollywood (Tamil film industry). She also paired with Ragevendra Lawrence in Ganga (Kanchana part-2). This devil started her popularity in recent days. Yes she is having another two movies in Tamil "Appavin Meesai" with cheran and a Cameo appearance in "Bangalore days" (remake of Malayalam movie"Bangalore days")
Veteran Director Mr. Manirathnam, has selected a right face for the right script. I am not sure if other actress can do this character in this successful manner. OKK ha many things to talk about, but here it is fully specific about Nithya Menon. The movie all about “Live-In Relationship” started famous in all metro cities. Now-a-days most of the real live-in relationship is taking a wrong turn, but this movie has script of right meaning of the relationship. Hope all age groups will love this movie and especially love the pair on the screen.
This summer may be special for Nithya Menon, as her two movies hit the screen at same time. The other one is “Kanchana-2 (Ganga)”. She had done a challenging role in that movie as a handicapped. This movie also most waited as its previous parts are super hit. It surprised the audiences with Nithya Menon in the role of devil. Yes she has become a loveable devil for all south Indian youngsters.
All the viewers can have a good time pass at both the movies OKK and Kanchana-2. OKK is special for all the viewers as it could happen rarely in real India. The youngsters who are willing to have a live-in relationship must watch this movie OKK. You may not get a pair like Nithya Menon, but you can try with the girlfriend you have. Beware of your parents, before trying this, as they are thinking it as a crime and should not happen to their kids. Slowly the western people product enters India and the parents are not even thinking of who is the manufacturer. Once the culture enters and has been followed by their kids, they started telling the phrase “Western culture spoils the kids”.